This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Storm at Ago-Are

This week the UK-Nigeria meeting concentrated on the Dadamac outpost in Ago-Are which is run by Fola Sunday. Earlier in  the week we had heard from Fola that during the Chelsea/Barcelona match a terrible storm had struck the area. Additional photos sent by Fola can be viewed on Flickr. In a later Yahoo chat with Pam, Fola informed us that, had people been asleep and not watching the match, many lives would have been lost. I recommend that you read Pam's edited highlights of their conversation. However, the destruction and damage caused by the storm has resulted in real hardship and Fola says that it will require State aid to rectify. Many families are now sleeping out on the streets because their roofs and their homes were severely structurally damaged. The torrential rain also contributed to the misery Fola himself was lucky to escape with his precious laptop still in working condition.

Pam also informed us at our meeting that earlier that day she had had a good connection with Chief Gbade Adejumo and Fola. It appears that the original OCDN info centre people together with Fola are now emerging as an impressive team to help develop the Dadamac outpost at Ago-Are.

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