This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Dadamac Connect

Dadamac Connect is a social business set up by its co-founders Pamela McLean and Nicola Fishman on the 1st September 2014.

Dadamac Connect is

 a membership organisation

 a supportive and questioning community

 peer to peer learning & learn by doing

a reflective space

offers analasis and helps you make sense of the changing world around you

Your annual £10 fee enables you to access the knowledge and networks of the co-founders

As a founder member you will:

receive a membership card

receive a tweet and a follow on Twitter

have a personal welcome on a blog with a link to your preferred profile

 be added to our mailing list

be offered member discounts as we negotiate them

 receive discounts for Dadamac Connect events

 have opportunities to promote your interests and events

 be offered miscellaneous benefits of being part of Pamela's and Nicola's networks.