This is an archive of the website, as it was in 2015, it is no longer being updated.

Plastic recycling - a pilot study

A collaboration between Fantsuam Foundation and Developing Technologies. Funded by Comic Relief. Initiated by Dadamac.

Updated  September 2012

Linus in UK August to October.

Updated July 2012:

After many difficulties funding was finally granted in 2012. As anticipated by John Dada there were many delays and problems related to getting a visa for the Nigerian engineer to attend training in the UK. The first appication was finally rejected. A second visa application is being made. Updates will be blogged.

Initial phase October 2011

Dadamac's role was to support Ron Dennis in designing and costing a research project to be run at Fantsuam.

There is on overview in Countdown to Comic Relief assessment meeting.

Details of the ongoing story can be found by  searching under "plastic recycling"  - which will show you  what Nikki was wrting about it in her weekly blogs about our UK-NIgeria meetings .

On February 8th 2011 Ron heard the result and wrote to Dadamac:

Unfortunately we were not successful with our bid to Comic Relief. We were in  a short list of 7 out of 22 but our project did not match their objectives as well as others. I have to follow up to get more detailed feedback and will let you know more then. In the meantime we are continuing to work on plastic recycling in student projects at City and Imperial which we hope will lead to a stronger funding application in the near future.

Thanks for all your help in preparing the bid and I hope we can find opportunities to work together in the future

This initiative grew out of discussions with Ron Dennis - see link below.

November 2011 : Re submitted the proposal and reached the final stage this time...result pending.
